Executive advisor for multi-national companies undergoing significant change

Leads a practice centered on leadership and high performing teams


High Performing Teams

Leadership teams that fully leverage the collective intelligence of all of its members to focus on the broader success of the organization

Executive Coaching 

Executive coaching challenges leaders to self-inquiry, taking personal accountability and increasing capacity to attain and sustain the right mindset.

Integrated Organizations

Integrated business units and corporate functions , aligned to the organization goal.


The Imperative

Leaders are the key to your organization’s success. Individually and as a group, they can be a source of frustration or friction, or the inspiration that propels the organization’s vision and strategy forward.

When leaders work at peak performance and the top three layers are aligned to the strategy, the remainder of the organization follows. Increasing leadership effectiveness has a positive impact on organizational results.


The Approach

Jack’s approach to organizational alignment, team development and executive performance is rooted in the simple belief that there isn’t one single path to achieve success. He bridges the science of organizational change with the art of emotional intelligence.

Applying a pragmatic methodology based in action-research principles, Jack rigorously understands and assesses organizational challenges and facilitates solutions efficiently.